Kidz Grub, Inc. Sources, References, and Disclaimers

Effective Date: October 25, 2020 (update review 06/24)

Values depicted in Number Animations

The below demonstrates how the information shown in the animated graphs was derrived.

Today's numbers are higher (June 2024)

Please note that the shown values are based on numbers from the years of 2017 thru 2019.

During and after the COVID Pandemic, the border policy changes, inflation, and in addition to 'time', the values for Kidz helped, Meals Served, and At-Risk Kidz have grown and become significantly larger.


Kidz we've Helped

Kidz we've Helped

This information is from a 2017 published value. Site design used these values for illustrative purposes. Updates are being assessed.


Meals Served

Meals Served

This information is from a 2017 published value. Site design used these values for illustrative purposes. Updates are being assessed.


At Risk Kidz in Houston

At Risk Kidz in Houston

2019 Statistical Data obtained from US Census ACS S1701 for Houston Texas Children in Poverty.

163,139 out of 565,435 children, below eighteen years of age, in Houston, Texas live in poverty. That's 28.9% of the children living just the official City of Houston. It does not include the other areas, nearby or encased, that are not officially incorporated into the City of Houston.

A copy of that report can be found here.

US Census ACS S1701

Updated: October 26, 2002 - 07.30 AM